Jul 8, 2006

Bye Bye Power PC

I do not have much knowledge on computer Hardware. Maybe Chris Mina should have written this post instead of me. Coz he can tell you so many disadvantages of an Apple Computer.

Apple has almost finished replacing all its computers with the lastest Intel Chip (the so call Yonah generation), with most of laptops and desktops are seeing a new Intel CoreDuo with dual-core CPU (??). It is therefore time to say sayonara to its predecessor PPC (Power PC) family.

The annoying fan issue in most Apple computers, especially in iMac is no doubt a chink in Apple's armour. Apple has great designed computers (the look only), great OS X, great store and great music player, but I wonder what is happening to the hardware designer-- always fail to overcome the heat issue.

In this hot summer, as well as the previous one, my iMac will whine a bit louder than in winter. After some googling, I finally decided to investigate the culprit behind the whining sound.

Do not want to breach the warranty, I only managed to dissamble the stupid fans and cleaned it.
Hmm, less whinning, but still not last I guess.

Made in China tag is everywhere in this world, just as we used to see Made in Japan 20 years ago.

Koreans want a piece of the cake as well.