Walking into a Suzhou garden is like entering a Chinese painting. Unlike Japanese garden where tidiness comes first, Suzhou gardens are more towards letting the garden grows and shapes itself, at least that was what I could see.

This garden is in the UNESCO world heritage list, with history of more than 400 years. Like other famous garden in Suzho, the Lingering Garden seeks to create stunning natural landscape within limited space.

Light is one of the important key in creating beautiful Suzhou garden. Most corridors and rooms are designed to let only adequate lights in.

The use of limited space can been seen at this narrow corridor. Mirrors are used to reflect the image of the opposite side creating life paintings on the wall and making the narrow corridor looks spacious.

As Suzhou is pretty humid throughout the year, moss often grow on walls, creating dramatic effect to the garden. I really like those dirty walls covered with green and yellowish moss.

Moss that painted the wall.

I fell in love with the beauty Lingering Garden.


AL LEE said...

I love picture 8. The framing is beautiful, the whole garden is beautiful. Lingering beauty indeed.

Kazu said...

i like the 3rd pic from the bottom. great shot!

noomai said...

How come I happen to like the same picture as Kazu?!?! =P But the picture AL mentioned also was one of those that caught my eyes.

I went to this garden before, in winter. Beautiful too. Did you get to go to Hanzhou?

Eddie said...

thanks AL and Kazu.
Mai: I wanted to go to Hangzhou, but I didnt due to bad planning.